selling This Product is a Leather Bag. . . These carry-all bags can be made in the dimensions that You need. These can be embellished or not, Fancy or plain. Square, long and slender, or rectangle (to carry papers, coloring books, laptop). In the photo (just for example) is my Pump Drill Carry-All Bag with my Pump Drill and supplies to start a fire contained within the added outside bag. I designed it to my needs. Tell me what You need.
Now you say, "What IS a Pump drill?" It is a bush-craft apparatus to makes a fire. Basically 2 sticks - one you slide sideways across the other with a string attached to make the spindle turn to cause friction which in-turn causes a Big Fat Red Ember (BFRE) used to start a fire in the bush, or wild places (outside).
Why did I tell You this? So that You know that I can customize any design, size, or use, to make You the Best Carry-All Bag anywhere. All, of course, made in the Primitive Pioneer Way; hand cut, hand sewn, and each designed individually.
Do You need to carry a six-pack ? (of soda), we can make that bag too. I need to tell you a story. A long time ago when I first started out. I had a gentleman come to me and ask me if I was Native American. I nervously answered, "Yes. Why?". He asked me if I could make leather bags. I nervously answered, "Yes. Why?". He asked me then, if I could make it any size he wanted. Again, I nervously answered, "Yes. Why?"
I finally asked him, "What size bag do you need?" To that he answered, "I need a bag big enough to carry a six-pack when I go hunting." Of course my answer was, "You know you cannot take beer hunting!" He answered to that with a wink-wink, "Oh no no. Only soda." Well I laughed and said okay then I'll make you a bag - hand carry? or shoulder strap? To which he answered, "Shoulder strap."
So just tell us Your dimensions, and needs, and we will design Your Bag just for You!!
Message me with Your desired Use of this bag (only for my use to help design Your bag). And we'll get started on making You the Best Carry-All Bag You've ever had!!
Product code: Leather Carry-All selling Bags