A Handmade Silk Scarf in green color that is made from 100% pure silk, in Soufli, Greece, by Kalfas.
- Its main colour is green.
- Its secondary colour is beige.
- The weave of the scarf is crepe satin with 16 mm thickness. It is finished by hand by experienced workers in our region with dimensions of 47x170
-Its weight is 57gr.
It is a product made from thread that is produced by the silkworm, which feeds only on berry leaves, and its care belongs in natural products, not artificial. Thereafter, it is washed by hand with liquid soap, it dries in a shadowy place and it is ironed damp with a hot iron.
It is used as an accessory for aesthetic reasons and it is directed at dynamic people who know how to combine coquetry with elegance and good taste.
It can be worn around the neck, giving a colored tone in each outfit.
Because of the pure silk, it is friendly on skin, while keeping you warm in the winter and cooling you down in the summer.
It stands out because it brings out colours and designs from Ancient Greeks, who founded the evolution of people with their knowledge, form medicine to the universe.
The product comes with a gift box, which includes written instructions on how to care for your scarf.
Our products, which come in a variety of colours, accentuate each one's personal style.
There may be some colour differentiation between the photo and the product.
The designs and the colours that we have used are inspired by the culture of Ancient Greeks and it is designed for modern people.
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Find more info about wearing a scarf
Wearing a scarf is one accessory we always have on hand. Either in winter or in summer. It's a soft and warm scarf. Scarves exist in all sorts of lengths, colors, and even levels. They work with your outfit, no matter the occasion. So whether your go-to is a silk scarf tied tight selling or an oversize knit designed to toss over your favorite coat, here are some ideas about wearing a scarf made by the finest silk workshops in Greece.
Product code: Green Silk selling Scarf, Hand Painted Scarf, Summer Scarf, Women Scarf, Made in Soufli, Greece, by Kalfas.