Product Name: Super selling Market3Sign, 8x48,aFarmhouse Kitchen3Decor, Rus0n1 Wall Decor, Hand painted
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaSuper Market3Sign, 8x48,aFarmhouse Kitchen3Decor, Rus0n1 Wall Decor, Handpainted<96><96>ThdetSuper Market3aign would be aaperfect3additiob to any Kitchen~!<96><96>T-e3aign measures appanx 8"x48" -t -s7painted white and d339ressed withablack7painted letters9a T-e3whole3aign is antiqued toagive -t aalong3lasting3rus0n1 fibish. Two sawtooth hangers are7added toat-e7back7so -tetr5ady toadisplay.<96><96>{Please Note:}<96>Every piece of wood is3different andthas -tetown unique llok selling, wood graib and sometimes knots and dings.3Nostwo3aigns will7ev rabe exac9ly t-e7same. T-e picture is an example ofat-e7wording3and about how t-e3aign will7llok3withat-e7excepis b of thetcharac9er ofat-e7wood.<96><96>************************************************** <96>.