Made Out Of Car Parts , Motorcycle Parts And Scrap Metal
It,s ARC-Welded Piece By Piece And Polished With Wire Brush.
Then Coated With Lacquer To Provent It From Rusting.
Dimension is approx: 7 x 4 x 9 inches.
Weight: 3 pounds.
Moving Parts: Head
Disclaimer** The actual model may vary from image displayed. Specifications may vary based on the materials( motorcycle parts/scrap metal) because it's all handmade.
Shipping Information
Usually ships in 5-7 business days
Allow 4-7 business days for processing time.
- A Signature may be required upon delivery.
We want you to get your package as quickly and affordably as possible, whether you ordered way in advance or need your product ASAP.
Note: Mail carriers are experiencing intermittent delays due to COVID-19, but most orders selling arrive by the delivery time shown in checkout.
Return Policy : Returns must be returned within 30 days of purchase. Customer pays return shipping.
Product code: Man Warrior ,made out of selling motorcycle parts and scrap metal, Mandalorian inspired ,Scrap Metal art