Sunflower Bouquet, Sunflower Bride Bouquet, Yellow and selling Blue Bouquet, Sunflower and Burlap Bride Bouquet, Sunflower and Burlap, Wedding
Sunflower Bouquet, Sunflower Bride Bouquet, Yellow and selling Blue Bouquet, Sunflower and Burlap Bride Bouquet, Sunflower and Burlap, Wedding,
This beautiful bride bouquet comes with a complimentary Boutonniere The.
Product code: Sunflower Bouquet, Sunflower Bride Bouquet, Yellow and selling Blue Bouquet, Sunflower and Burlap Bride Bouquet, Sunflower and Burlap, Wedding
This beautiful bride bouquet comes with a complimentary Boutonniere. The bride bouquet contains sunflowers, yellow dahlias, and blue lilacs. Each was designed by a certified florist. The stems of the bride bouquet selling are wrapped in burlap. It measures 12" tall and 11" wide.