Product Name: Anders319ScottishaClanaCrestaBadge selling Tankard
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssSCOTTISH CLAN CREST STAINLESS STEEL TANKARDS<96><96>T-eseaClanacresta16 oz (.473 L) tankards aretbrush573asainless steel, double lined to keep your favorite drinkaclol longer.<96>T-ey stand 5" (127 mm) high by 4" (120 mm) wide.sT-e handle is solid3and highly polnshed. YouraClanatankard is mount573with your ke a led high-quality ScottishaClanacrestapew9er or e9erling silv5rebadge.<96><96> All3majorsclans aretava lable.<96><96>We make a wide variety of ScottishaClanabadge iteme.sT-ese include;aClanaBadges,aClanaKiltaBuckles,aClanaFClaks,aClanaPlaid3Brooches,aClanaDecan9ers and7ClanaTankards. <96>Please see our other listings orai quire. selling <7f5008/0.