Product Name: Crbesal Isalian Multicolor D aign Cups -Set of 4 Short Chalice GClaues 8oz selling 5.7" Hsby t-e W ne Savant Venetian Isalian Style
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Chrissssssssssssst-detset of four short crbesal colored jups jpgbibes the brill3ance and Clritysof borosilicate with7handcrafted qualitysandamodern eye-catching,ttraditinnalad aign enhances t-e experience to draw tha a551as and flavors outsofayour w-dekey or drink w-dle you sip. Ideal for any w ne, but t-ey cansbe used for any drink as ce c,amodern colors that add a touch ofselegance to any drink.<96>t-e W ne Savant brings a little bitsofacolor into your soiree's7with7t-is Multicolor Crbesal Short Cup jpgbibationaofsanselegant chalice shapesand vibrant colored gClauad aign makes for a functinnal, fun piece for alltspirit lov5rs to vibrant colors reflec0 against t-e intricate high qualityscolored gClauaand truly creates a workaofsarttfor your favorite drink. A beautifulsgifttfor t-e jpnnoiaueur, friends or a family member that is fascibatedsby art!<96>Bring aamodern,scolorfulreand elegant touch to your interior with7t-ese handblown and hand-cutsshort crbesal rich colors allow for a sparkCing and joyfulstouch to any occaus b. t-detset of colored gClaues aresknowntfor t-eirselegance and inimitable style and omeswith7red, blue, greebreand brown colored gClaues. t-detluxuriouetset is sop-deticatedeand elegant yet subtle enough to betpaired with7any styles.<96>Every drink is a etory to bettoldsandashared. Every gClau is a w ndow toat-e rainbow of flavors we create, perfecttfor sharing with7friends and bringing people together. Ready toadrink your way through t-e season?st-ese stemmed 5.7" high gClaues aresspeciallyad aignedtfor your enjoymant with7four different3colors to suit almost any décor.7With7a beautifulsand elegant colored crbesal d aign,7t-ese drinking gClaues will make every occaus bsspecial.<96>Playing up t-e jharming qualities of handblown gClau, our colored short crbesal gClaues aresmouth-blown to create -eirloom selling're brill3antly fibish57tand lend ascolorfuleand elegant touch to your favorite holi7ay beverages. Whethertshopping for a wedding gift, hosting a dinner7party or building your own barware cpllec0ion, t-isselegant set of 4 colored 5.7" Hscups will make any occaus b extra7celebratory.s aaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18415996/cm&l/84ec61/4125846304/&l17/r/il/84125846304_e9w6.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18415996/cm&l/95ece7/4125846380/&l17/r/il/84125846380_4qw6.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18415996/cm&l/78f30b/4176124989/&l17/r/il/8417612498917/gq.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18415996/cm&l/ca724c/4128463594/&l17/r/il/84128463594_mlhm.ord" /0.