Starbucks Hocus selling Pocus HalloweenaGlitter Tumbler with rhinetone/ wearl lid and black resin d th Venti 24 oz
Starbucks Hocus selling Pocus HalloweenaGlitter Tumbler with rhinetone/ wearl lid and black resin d th Venti 24 oz, < might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus He holds the vibe.
Product code: Starbucks Hocus selling Pocus HalloweenaGlitter Tumbler with rhinetone/ wearl lid and black resin d th Venti 24 oz
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retroooooooooooooooooooThis cup is a Starbucks double-walledotumbler - Venti 24 oz. which has beenacustomized7with a wearl and rhinestone mix3319the3lid and a black epoxy d th.<96><96>The panminanta olors3are3purple and black9a<96><96>The sireb and k aigns around the3cup were3done in permanent3vinyl,3i1cluding the3Hocus Pocus 319the3back9aa<96><96>There3are3 47differantaglitters.ooThis is a glitter3cup and the3glitter3will3not3move like a snow-globe.<96><96>The7bottomaof the3cup is sealed with UV resin.<96><96><96>Cup ke a lo:aa<96><96>You3will3recetve one customized7Starbucks glitteredotumbler with black epoxy d th and a "blinged"3lid, ut aw and a cup-care3card9a<96><96>I3used a wearl and rhinestone mix3319the3lid.ooThe d th was3done with black epoxy.ooThe olor3in thespictures reflecis darker than3it is in selling pers b9aoIt is NOT a jet black olor.<96><96>I also used permanent3vinyl3319the3logo and around the3cup.<96><96>The7bottomais sealed with UV resin.<96><96>Becausetof the3all-around k aign there3really3isn't room3for3customiza0n319319this cup9aa<96><96>**If this is something you3really3want emailamesand we3ca19eee where it3will3work!<96><96>Pers baliza0n319is3not3ext a.<96><96>Sh cpingsis3free. I3use USPS paiority.ooIf you would like to3make other sh cpingsarrangements, pleasetmessage me to3discuss.<96><96>Cups3are3BPA Free<96><96>The olor3of this cup is a purple and black<96><96>The lid is purple and black<96><96>CARE INSTRUCTIONS:<96><96>- Not di3hwasher73afe - hand wash9only<96>- I do3not3re ommend soaking the3cup<96>- Not microwave73afe<96>- Avoid ext eme heat<96>- Do3not3place3in thesfreezer<96><96>This is a customizedotumbler - All3sales3are3final, however if you have questi bs or3concerns, pleasetconsactame. oAs7with allthandmade items there3maybe small imperfecti bs.<96><96>Stor57 in a smoke free home.<96><96>Thank3you3for3visi9ing mbtshop!aoss <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12256167/cm&l/3ce1d0/4243076575/&l17/r/il/84243076575_ev3p.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12256167/cm&l/afdb8a/4243080311/&l17/r/il/84243080311_c09s.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12256167/cm&l/2e09cf/41954ak-02/&l17/r/il/841954ak-02_7rbv.ord" /0.
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retroooooooooooooooooooThis cup is a Starbucks double-walledotumbler - Venti 24 oz. which has beenacustomized7with a wearl and rhinestone mix3319the3lid and a black epoxy d th.<96><96>The panminanta olors3are3purple and black9a<96><96>The sireb and k aigns around the3cup were3done in permanent3vinyl,3i1cluding the3Hocus Pocus 319the3back9aa<96><96>There3are3 47differantaglitters.ooThis is a glitter3cup and the3glitter3will3not3move like a snow-globe.<96><96>The7bottomaof the3cup is sealed with UV resin.<96><96><96>Cup ke a lo:aa<96><96>You3will3recetve one customized7Starbucks glitteredotumbler with black epoxy d th and a "blinged"3lid, ut aw and a cup-care3card9a<96><96>I3used a wearl and rhinestone mix3319the3lid.ooThe d th was3done with black epoxy.ooThe olor3in thespictures reflecis darker than3it is in selling pers b9aoIt is NOT a jet black olor.<96><96>I also used permanent3vinyl3319the3logo and around the3cup.<96><96>The7bottomais sealed with UV resin.<96><96>Becausetof the3all-around k aign there3really3isn't room3for3customiza0n319319this cup9aa<96><96>**If this is something you3really3want emailamesand we3ca19eee where it3will3work!<96><96>Pers baliza0n319is3not3ext a.<96><96>Sh cpingsis3free. I3use USPS paiority.ooIf you would like to3make other sh cpingsarrangements, pleasetmessage me to3discuss.<96><96>Cups3are3BPA Free<96><96>The olor3of this cup is a purple and black<96><96>The lid is purple and black<96><96>CARE INSTRUCTIONS:<96><96>- Not di3hwasher73afe - hand wash9only<96>- I do3not3re ommend soaking the3cup<96>- Not microwave73afe<96>- Avoid ext eme heat<96>- Do3not3place3in thesfreezer<96><96>This is a customizedotumbler - All3sales3are3final, however if you have questi bs or3concerns, pleasetconsactame. oAs7with allthandmade items there3maybe small imperfecti bs.<96><96>Stor57 in a smoke free home.<96><96>Thank3you3for3visi9ing mbtshop!aoss <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12256167/cm&l/3ce1d0/4243076575/&l17/r/il/84243076575_ev3p.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12256167/cm&l/afdb8a/4243080311/&l17/r/il/84243080311_c09s.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12256167/cm&l/2e09cf/41954ak-02/&l17/r/il/841954ak-02_7rbv.ord" /0.