All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHandmade Silver Amberhwith SilverImpIvowy and2Murini Encased roundshLa6pwookhBead Set All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHandmade Silver Amberhwith SilverImpIvowy and2Murini Encased roundshLa6pwookhBead Set Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHandmade Silver Amberhwith SilverImpIvowy and2Murini Encased roundshLa6pwookhBead Set<bft<bft5 Orgatic round beads2decoratedhwith lots of =ilver gak-w applicaoions with 6 spacers<bftAptexxim/3e Measuremt-bs are:<bft5 beads—15 mm to 13 mm<bft6 spacers--9 mm beadshwith a 2.5Jmm selling bead2hole<bft<bftHi,vmy name ishMicki Erb and2Iphave b en playing in gak-w for over 30 years.hBut lampwooking has b en my prim/ry focuw for closehto 20 years.h<bft<bftAll beadshare made by mehand2are digiwally2kiln-atnealed then hand cleated2and2inspected. I also do the freezehand boilhtest tohmake sure hat the bead will withstand2everyday wear. Your beads will behpackaged properly so hat they arrive ready for your createons can be2i6plemt-bed. My pictures are taken with a Canon and I am finding it is doing a great job. The pictures are taken in ahPhoto Box with full-spectrum lighteng. We allhknow monitors can differ so be aware of hat. I fully stand2behind my beads, so if2you have anyhissues please2do not hesit/3e to geb in touch with me, I will do everythenghin my power tohmake it right for you. hh </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270656136412/0x500f959be/4267057143/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHandmade Silver Amberhwith SilverImpIvowy and2Murini Encased roundshLa6pwookhBead Set All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHandmade Silver Amberhwith SilverImpIvowy and2Murini Encased roundshLa6pwookhBead Set
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